The best 5 WordPress Plugins for Website Security.


WordPress is the most popular blogging platform but it’s not without its risks. Do you want to protect your WordPress site against malicious viruses and hackers who may try to attack you through vulnerabilities? 

A security issue can affect a website’s ranking, especially if it’s a new site. It’s possible for Google to demote a website, making it harder for readers to find your content – and making it more difficult for you to manage the site – which is completely unacceptable. If you feel that this could be an eventuality of starting up your own business then we definitely suggest looking into some good plugins that will help protect your WordPress from brute force attacks, malware, and spammers. 

Best Security Plugins for WordPress


Sucuri is a popular security plugin for WordPress that provides a number of protection and detection features. It is designed to detect and block attacks on the website and also offers protection from ransomware. 

The free version of Sucuri includes malware scanning, blacklist monitoring, firewall rules, and many other features. The paid version includes all of the functions in the free version with some added features such as malware cleaning, blacklist removal, firewall bypassing, and access to live support. 

Sucuri also has an enterprise subscription with the following additional features: SSL certificate checking for vulnerabilities; intrusion prevention system (IPS) which protects against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks; brute force login protection; and more granular control of HTTP requests. 


IThemes Security

ITheme Security is a WordPress plugin that provides website owners with a set of tools to protect their websites against common security threats. The plugin allows users to detect malicious traffic, identify database vulnerabilities, prevent brute force attacks, and block access to file uploads. 

This plugin can be used in order to improve your site’s security by preventing the following: 

  • Brute Force Attacks 
  • Detecting Malicious Traffic 
  • Identifying Database Vulnerabilities 
  • Preventing Malicious File Uploads 




Wordfence is a security plugin for WordPress. It provides an extra layer of security against hackers, malware, and denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks. 

Wordfence solves the problem of websites getting hacked or DDOSed by blocking malicious IP addresses that are trying to enter the site. It also monitors traffic on the site and alerts you if there is an abnormal activity like someone trying to log in as an admin without your password. 

With this plugin you don’t need to worry about your website getting hacked again – it’s done for you! 


Jetpack Security

Jetpack is a free plugin that can be used to create and maintain any kind of website using WordPress. Jetpack provides security for your site by scanning your site every day for malware, spam, and other issues. 

Jetpack Security is an important part of the website building process because it protects you from malware, spam, and other potential security risks. One way to test if Jetpack’s security is working is by visiting the site with a program like Google Chrome or Firefox that may be more involved in cybersecurity than some others (such as Safari). If these programs don’t pick up anything wrong with the site, then it’s likely that Jetpack has found all the possible vulnerabilities on the site. 


WP Cerber Security 

WP Cerber Security is a plugin that is designed to protect the data of your website by adding another layer of security on top of your password. 

WP Cerber Security is a WordPress plugin that has been developed by Cerber Solutions. It was created with the intention to provide an additional level of protection for the security of your site, ensuring that it is not compromised online by hackers. The plugin can identify any suspicious activity or malicious attempts, which are then blocked immediately so as to reduce the risk of hacking incidents taking place. 

WP Cerber Security combines an aggressive scanning engine with an intelligent monitoring system in order to detect all possible threats and stop them before they can inflict any damage on your site. The system monitors for anything that could be harmful, including malware, brute force login attempts, outdated software 



Which Security Plugin for WordPress Is the Best? 

After going through each of these anti-malware tools, it’s time to choose one. Our choice for the best goes to Sucuri. With its many security features, fast speeds, and convenient pricing strategies, it is the tool with the most power to offer you. 

Sucuri is a platform that provides secure hosting solutions to anyone who wants to protect their site from hackers. The products that Sucuri sells are state-of-the-art Web Application Firewalls that help its clients to remain protected from malicious attacks, protecting their database and making it extremely hard for hackers to access the information stored within said database. 

This power-packed one-stop e-commerce solution comes with a free SSL certificate and a global content delivery network so you have everything you need in a single package. 

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