Cloud computing and its Top 3 providers


Cloud computing is a term used to describe the storage, access, and processing of data remotely. The term usually refers to delivering these services over the Internet, with “clouds” representing data located remotely from its owner.  

Cloud computing can be seen as a development in internet technology that enables hardware and software resources to be delivered as a service over the Internet, enabling access with different devices. Cloud computing is a general term for a group of technologies that allows shared access to and software over the Internet. 

The three basic concepts of cloud computing are: 

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS),
  • Platform as a service (PaaS)
  • Software as a service (SaaS).
cloud computing

Why are people moving to the cloud?

Cloud computing is a form of Internet-based data storage that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. In this way, it is a type of both public and private computer system.

Cloud computing is becoming more and more popular in the workplace because it provides high levels of security and protects data from hardware failures.

As the cloud has become more popular, many companies have been moving their software to the cloud. One reason for this could be to save money, as they don’t need to buy new hardware to store their software anymore. This also prevents them from worrying about running into any technical difficulties with their software over time.

Top 3 cloud service providers in India

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure Platform

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform has been instrumental in launching a range of products from Google’s portfolio. To date, GCP has found more than 70 different products and services.

It offers tools that allow developers to build and maintain their applications on Google’s infrastructure as a cloud service provider.

It provides enterprise-grade cloud services for organizations of all shapes and sizes.

The company is known for its high-quality cloud services used by some of the best companies in the world, including Netflix, Capital One, Nike, Spotify, and more. Some of these services include Google Cloud Storage (which provides storage for any amount of data), Google Cloud SQL (provides developers with access to a fully managed MySQL database), and Google Compute Engine (includes admission to flexible virtual machines).

Visit Google cloud website,

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services provides a cloud-computing platform that many companies use for their operations. It offers various services from storage to computation, content delivery, and analytics.

It has been the major driving force in the cloud computing industry since its inception.

The company has been providing reliable and efficient services to clients with its scalable and cost-effective solutions. AWS is pushing computing into the age of the cloud and making it more accessible than ever before.

It provides a wide variety of computing power, data storage, content delivery, and analytics that companies can use for their operations. It also offers easy-to-use software that makes it very easy for companies to deploy applications on AWS infrastructure without any complex setup or configuration process involved.

Visit Amazon web services website,

Microsoft Azure Platform

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that Microsoft developed. It offers public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions.

Azure was first announced in August 2008 at the PDC 2008 conference in Los Angeles. The first Azure service launched was Windows Azure on April 27th, 2010, followed by the release of SQL Azure on September 1st, 2011.

As of December 2018, there are over 540 million active users across all the different services made available by the Microsoft Azure Platform.

Microsoft Azure Platform offers a complete set of cloud solutions for building, deploying, and managing applications through its integrated services. The platform enables developers to create modern web and mobile applications on any device. The benefits of this platform are immense as it is the only cloud provider with the breadth and depth to meet all of an organization’s needs.

Visit Microsoft Azure platform website,

How to Pick the exemplary Cloud Computing service for your business?

“The cloud computing services vary in price and features. Some of these services are more appropriate for your needs than others.”

Cloud computing is a recent phenomenon that has changed how businesses function by providing easy access to all of their data and documents from any device. In this article, we will go over how you can pick the exemplary cloud computing service for your business, as well as the benefits of having a cloud computing service.

Benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • Better Disaster Recovery
  • Reduced Costs
  • Improved System Security
  • Better User Experience

Cloud computing services are so diverse and expansive that it can be hard to pick the best one. This article will help you find exemplary service for you.

Cloud computing comes in many forms, but they all share one common trait: They’re all about sharing resources among multiple users. For businesses, this usually means sharing data among different departments or employees who need access to it.

How are clouds changing the way businesses are run?

Cloud computing is a relatively new technology that allows enterprises to store their data remotely on the Internet. This saves organizations from worrying about their data being lost in case of a server crash. It also means that they don’t have to worry about hardware or other infrastructure failures.

Since these are all managed remotely by cloud providers, the organization doesn’t need any in-house IT staff to manage its servers and other aspects of its network. It can just focus on running its business while the cloud provider handles the rest of it for them.

Cloud computing is a term used to describe the delivery of online computing resources, such as server space and data storage, over the Internet. The Internet has made cloud computing accessible to businesses of all sizes and levels of sophistication.

They change the way businesses are run across industries such as banking, healthcare, retail, and hospitality. Clouds offer a cost-effective solution to help organizations manage their business within their budgets by enabling them to address data storage and information processing needs as they evolve.

It is challenging to run a business without using some form of cloud computing. The use of clouds has evolved from being an IT department’s responsibility to every department’s responsibility.

Every company needs access to the latest software, tools, and data. If they are not on the cloud, they are at a disadvantage regarding data storage, collaboration capabilities with team members, and scalability of their systems. Cloud computing is not just an IT department’s responsibility anymore. It’s everyone’s responsibility for businesses to be successful today.


So, we hope we have found this blog engaging, and Cloud computing is a form of computing in which data is hosted and managed by a third-party service provider. Cloud computing is an inclusive term and covers a wide range of services and software. It helps you to increase your business.

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